Bateman transform

In the mathematical study of partial differential equation, the Bateman transform is a method for solving the Laplace equation in four dimensions and wave equation in three by using a line integral of a holomorphic function in three complex variables. It is named after the English mathematician Harry Bateman, who first published the result in (Bateman 1904).

The formula asserts that if ƒ is a holomorphic function of three complex variables, then

\phi(w,x,y,z) = \oint_\gamma f\left((w%2Bix)%2B(iy%2Bz)\zeta,(iy-z)%2B(w-ix)\zeta,\zeta\right)\,d\zeta

is a solution of the Laplace equation, which follows by differentiation under the integral. Furthermore, Bateman asserted that the most general solution of the Laplace equation arises in this way.
